Separate Statement of Profit or Loss (in millions of Korean won)
Category | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 |
Revenue | 28,014 | 70,975 | 79,868 |
Cost of sales | 18,005 | 42,276 | 54,357 |
Gross Profit (Loss) | 10,008 | 28,698 | 25,510 |
Total Selling General Administrative Expenses | 11,690 | 14,730 | 14,050 |
Operating Income (Loss) | (1,682) | 13,967 | 11,459 |
OtherGains | 55 | 222 | 111 |
OtherLosses | 20 | 11 | 150 |
Finance Income | 4,255 | 7,260 | 6,233 |
FinanceCosts | 1,425 | 2,491 | 1,480 |
Profit(Loss) Before Tax | 371 | 18,631 | 16,556 |